25 de septiembre de 2007

adivice to the model by Laura Rincon

Miss. Tatiana,

I have read you letter and I understand your desire to become an important model, but being a model can be a excited job and at the same time can be a harmful job. I would like to say you there are not problem but you know that the fashion world is so demanding. If I say you that the best way is to do whatever thing in order to get your dream can be dangerous for your health. However it is so important you do many appropriate exercises for your body in special for your legs, arms and abdomen so that you don’t look with cellulites in this parts I recommend to try to take care of you eat in order not to put on weight but this don’t mean you leave to eat. Maybe with those advices you don’t get the perfect body as soon as possible because the most important I want to advice you is that not think all the time in your physical beauty and spend your time with your family and friends and enjoy your life!!! I think to be as everybody wants to say you it is not necessary.

Hope everything is ok with you,


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